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Monday, April 2, 2007

All About Diseases of the eye and adnexa - a List

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H00-H06 Disorders of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit

* (H00.0) Hordeolum ("stye" or "sty") — a bacterial infection of sebaceous glands of eyelashes
* (H00.1) Chalazion — a cyst in the eyelid (usually upper eyelid)
* (H01.0) Blepharitis — inflammation of eyelids and eyelashes; characterized by white flaky skin near the eyelashes
* (H02.0) Entropion and trichiasis
* (H02.1) Ectropion
* (H02.2) Lagophthalmos
* (H02.3) Blepharochalasis
* (H02.4) Ptosis
* (H02.6) Xanthelasma of eyelid
* (H03.0*) Parasitic infestation of eyelid in diseases classified elsewhere
o Dermatitis of eyelid due to Demodex species ( B88.0+ )
o Parasitic infestation of eyelid in:
+ leishmaniasis ( B55.-+ )
+ loiasis ( B74.3+ )
+ onchocerciasis ( B73+ )
+ phthiriasis ( B85.3+ )
* (H03.1*) Involvement of eyelid in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere
o Involvement of eyelid in:
+ herpesviral (herpes simplex) infection ( B00.5+ )
+ leprosy ( A30.-+ )
+ molluscum contagiosum ( B08.1+ )
+ tuberculosis ( A18.4+ )
+ yaws ( A66.-+ )
+ zoster ( B02.3+ )
* (H03.8*) Involvement of eyelid in other diseases classified elsewhere
o Involvement of eyelid in impetigo ( L01.0+ )
* (H04.0) Dacryoadenitis
* (H04.2) Epiphora
* (H06.2*) Dysthyroid exophthalmos

H10-H13 Disorders of conjunctiva

* (H10) Conjunctivitis — inflammation of the conjunctiva
* (H11.0) Pterygium — benign growth of the conjunctiva
* (H11.3) Subconjunctival hemorrhage — burst blood vessels on conjunctiva
* (H13.1*) Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
o Conjunctivitis (due to):
+ Acanthamoeba B60.1+ )
+ adenoviral follicular (acute) ( B30.1+ )
+ chlamydial ( A74.0+ )
+ diphtheritic ( A36.8+ )
+ gonococcal ( A54.3+ )
+ haemorrhagic (acute)(epidemic) ( B30.3+ )
+ herpesviral [herpes simplex] ( B00.5+ )
+ meningococcal ( A39.8+ )
+ Newcastle ( B30.8+ )
+ zoster ( B02.3+ )

H15-H22 Disorders of sclera, cornea, iris and ciliary body

* (H15.0) Scleritis — a painful inflammation of the sclera
* (H16) Keratitis — inflammation of the cornea
* (H16.0) Corneal ulcer / Corneal abrasion — loss of the surface epithelial layer of the eye's cornea
* (H16.1) Snow blindness / Arc eye — a painful condition caused by exposure of unprotected eyes to bright light
* (H16.1) Thygeson's superficial punctate keratopathy
* (H16.4) Corneal neovascularization
* (H18.5) Fuchs' dystrophy — cloudy morning vision
* (H18.6) Keratoconus — the cornea thins and changes shape to be more like a cone than a parabola
* (H19.3) Keratoconjunctivitis sicca — dry eyes
* (H20.0) Iritis — inflammation of the iris
* (H20.0, H44.1) Uveitis — inflammatory process involving the interior of the eye

H25-H28 Disorders of lens

* (H25-H26) Cataract — the lens becomes opaque

H30-H36 Disorders of choroid and retina

* (H33) Retinal detachment — the retina detaches from the choroid, leading to blurred and distorted vision
* (H33.1) Retinoschisis — the retina separates into several layers and may detach
* (H35.0) Hypertensive retinopathy — burst blood vessels, due to long-term high blood pressure
o (H35.0/E10-E14) Diabetic retinopathy damage to the retina caused by complications of diabetes mellitus, which could eventually lead to blindness
* (H35.0-H35.2) Retinopathy — general term referring to non-inflammatory damage to the retina
* (H35.1) Retinopathy of prematurity — scarring and retinal detachment in premature babies
* (H35.3) Age-related macular degeneration — the photosensitive cells in the macula malfunction and over time cease to work
* (H35.3) Macular degeneration — loss of central vision, due to macular degeneration
* (H35.5) Retinitis pigmentosa — genetic disorder; tunnel vision preceded by night-blindness
* (H35.81) Macular edema — distorted central vision, due to a swollen macula

H40-H42 Glaucoma

* (H40-H42) Glaucoma — optic neuropathy

H43-H45 Disorders of vitreous body and globe

* (H43.9) Floaters — shadow-like shapes which appear singly or together with several others in the field of vision

H46-H48 Disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways

* (H47.2) Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy — genetic disorder; loss of central vision

H49-H52 Disorders of ocular muscles, binocular movement, accommodation and refraction

* (H49-H50) Strabismus (Crossed eye/Wandering eye/Walleye) — the eyes do not point in the same direction
o (H49.3-4) Ophthalmoparesis — the partial or total paralysis of the eye muscles
o (H49.4) Progressive external ophthalmoplegia — weakness of the external eye muscles
o (H50.0, H50.3) Esotropia — the tendency for eyes to become cross-eyed
o (H50.1, H50.3) Exotropia — the tendency for eyes to look outward
* H52 Disorders of refraction and accommodation
o (H52.0) Hyperopia (Farsightedness) — the inability to focus on near objects (and in extreme cases, any objects)
o (H52.1) Myopia (Nearsightedness) — distant objects appear blurred
o (H52.2) Astigmatism — the cornea or the lens of the eye is not perfectly spherical, resulting in different focal points in different planes
o (H52.3) Anisometropia — the lenses of the two eyes have different focal lengths
o (H52.4) Presbyopia — a condition that occurs with growing age and results in the inability to focus on close objects
o (H52.5) Disorders of accommodation
+ Internal ophthalmoplegia

H53-H54 Visual disturbances and blindness

* (H53.0) Amblyopia (lazy eye) — poor or blurry vision due to either no transmission or poor transmission of the visual image to the brain
* (H53.0) Leber's congenital amaurosis — genetic disorder; appears at birth, characterised by sluggish or no pupillary responses
* (H53.1, H53.4) Scotoma (blind spot) — an area impairment of vision surrounded by a field of relatively well-preserved vision
* (H53.5) Color blindness — the inability to perceive differences between some or all colors that other people can distinguish
o (H53.5) Achromatopsia / Maskun — a low cone count or lack of function in cone cells
* (H53.6) Nyctalopia (Nightblindness) — a condition making it difficult or impossible to see in the dark
* (H54) Blindness — the brain does not receive optical information, through various causes
o (H54/B73) River blindness — blindness caused by long-term infection by a parasetic worm (rare in western societies)

H55-H59 Other disorders of eye and adnexa

* (H57.9) Red eye — conjunctiva appears red typically due to illness or injury
* (H58.0) Argyll Robertson pupil — small, unequal, irregularly shaped pupils

Other codes

* (B36.1) Keratomycosis — fungal infection of the cornea
* (E50.6-E50.7) Xerophthalmia — dry eyes, caused by vitamin A deficiency
* (Q13.1) Aniridia — a rare congenital eye condition leading to underdevelopment or even absence of the iris of the eye


* World Health Organization's ICD-10 Codes

See also

* Corrective lenses
* List of common diseases
* List of diseases, for a complete alphabetical listing of diseases
* List of eye surgeries
* List of systemic diseases with ocular manifestations
* Ophthalmology